Our high pressure, High Shear, technology excels at producing the smallest, most uniform particle sizes and the best particle size control - from nm to μm - for Lab R&D to full production.

Particle Size Reduction

Our Homogenizing systems are highly efficient at producing particles sizes in the range from a few nanometers to a few micrometers with repeatable results and the following important parameters:

  Tight distribution - most of the droplets are equal to, or below, the target size with no "tails" visible on the distribution graph.

  The smallest size - smallest ratio of droplet surface area to droplet volume.

A wide range of companies and academic institutes are utilising STANSTED High Pressure Homogenisers for their application requirements for formulating nanoemulsions of poorly soluble drugs, liposome formulation, ethosomes, nano-suspensions, NLCs, SLNs and other nano-structured lipid carriers for efficient API delivery.

Image of Particle size reduction pilot scale homogenizer.

Literature review, and our working knowledge, suggests, for HPH to accomplish nanonisation of the formulation *, then 100 to 300 MPa pressure (1000 to 3000 bar) and 1 or 2 passes are usually recommended. * Formlation dependant.

Stansted Homogenizers - Products - Logo image

For example, some NLC formulations were processed through our Lab Scale Homogeniser using piston gap technology. Size reduction and PDI were found to be very good. Although further size reductions can be achieved by increasing pressure or number of passes.

PSR image 1 before.

PSR image 2 after.

Features of our High Pressure Homogenizers

  Sophisticated temperature control systems, including pre- and post-cooling or heating, to preserve product quality and purity.

  Ultra high pressures to 60,000 psi (4200 bar) and processing from 1 ml, e.g. for Lab R&D, to in excess of 1000 l/hour for production systems.

  Our systems are easy to scale-up from Lab R&D to full production flow rates.

  High operating reliability resulting in low on-going ownership and maintenance costs.

Benefits of Particle Size Reduction

  Increased bioavailability and efficacy of the active active ingredient in the drug or product.

  Improvements in product taste, colour, flowability and chemical reaction.

  Higher product stability resulting in increased storage life.

  Minimization or elimination of contamination.

Production Scale

With flow rates in excess of 1000 l/hr (264 US Gallons). Unrivalled performance.

Image of Particle size reduction production scale homogenizer.

Laboratory / Bench-top

Up to 16 l/h. Processing cells from 1m to 35ml. For R&D and small volumes.

Image of Particle size reduction lab homogenizer.

Benefits described above can be achieved when our reliable high pressure pumping system generates up to 60,000 psi / 4200 bar / 400 MPa (the highest commercially available) to force the product stream into the processing section which results in:

1. Impact on entry to the valve (piston gap) or micro-channel section.

2. Very high liquid shear in this section.

3. Sudden pressure drop upon discharge.

Contact us here to discuss your requirements.


1. Beloqui, A., Solinís, M.Á., Delgado, A., Évora, C., Isla, A. and Rodríguez-Gascón, A., 2014. Fate of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) following the oral route: design, pharmacokinetics and biodistribution. Journal of microencapsulation, 31(1), pp.1-8.

2. Beloqui, A., Solinís, M.A., Delgado, A., Evora, C., del Pozo-Rodríguez, A. and Rodríguez-Gascón, A., 2013. Biodistribution of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) after intravenous administration to rats: influence of technological factors. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, 84(2), pp.309-314.

3. Elsayed, I., Abdelbary, A.A. and Elshafeey, A.H., 2014. Nanosizing of a poorly soluble drug: technique optimization, factorial analysis, and pharmacokinetic study in healthy human volunteers. International journal of nanomedicine, pp.2943-2953.